Sunday, March 1, 2009

Guest Post and Sneak Peek recipes!!!

Today, the fantastic MizFit is featuring Mom and me over at her site! Go check it out - we included a couple of sneak peek recipes that won't post here for another week or two, so if Eggplant Parmigiana or Bouillabaisse-ish Stew sound good, head over! And then make sure and stick around; she's full of good stuff over there. ;)

If you're here from Miz's site, welcome! We hope you stick around and check out what looks good. And if you have any special requests, drop us a line at tomeatornottomeat (at) gmail (dot) com. Or just leave it in the comments. Either way. ;)

Later today, I'll have Savory Butternut Squash Soup (as opposed to the sweet kind) up in this space. :)


  1. I'm stopping over from MizFit's site - awesome job over there! And...I'm looking forward to exploring more on this site you two have!!

  2. visiting from Miz's :) place!!!! I don't know how I missed you!! As a daughter who loves to cook with my mom, I think this is one awesome and fun idea :) I am inspired to visit my mom today out in the country and cook something like we used to when I still lived at home. Now that I have a family of my own (hubby and 4 young kiddos) I love to cook and am always looking for healthy ways to spice up our meals! I'll be back for the savory butternut squash soup.......sounds perfect for a cold winter day!

    I am adding you to my blog roll so I don't miss a thing :)

  3. Hi Lance! Glad to have you! I hope you find stuff here that looks good. :)

    Hi New*me! How fun about you and your mom! I've talked to so many people who DON'T like to do this stuff with family, and I always feel sort of sad for them. (I guess I shouldn't; it's not like they know what they're missing, right?) Glad you'll come back for the soup; this is actually one of my favorite things to make - it's also one of those things I make regularly but never write down! Ha!

  4. So, today my email is working again! Ha!

    Hi, Lance, I hope you'll enjoy experimenting with us!

    And New*me, I have 3 daughters, but Marste is the only one that cooks!! The other 2 have decided to have roommates or SOs that cook. FYI: it's not working for either one, so they're tentatively exploring cooking! They are 28 and 23, by the way, and they're tired of Top Ramen! Ha! Say "hi" to your mom from me!

  5. hiya! I'm here via Mizfit and I've bookmarked you AND linked 'cos I love it! I can't believe I never found you guys before.

    Either way, one new loyal-to-be reader reporting in.

  6. Hi Gemfit!

    I'm glad you'll come back, and I'm looking forward to a happy "relationship!" Ha!


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